
Fresh Solutions for Fresh Produce

The Markon Value

A full line of fresh fruits and vegetables packed exclusively for food service operators with a quality emphasis for a longer shelf-life and better yield.
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Ready-Set-Serve is a full line of table-ready fresh fruits, vegetables, and juices that are ready-to-use, innovative, and economical. All products are prepared and packaged for foodservice operators’ specific needs and are 100 percent usable.

  • Labour Savings
  • Tight specifications
  • Daily facility inspections on key items
  • Consistent quality
  • Increased shelf-life
  • Reduces waste/disposal costs
  • Reliable yields
  • Easier portion control
  • Simple cost-per-serving calculation
  • Consistent plate presentation
Markon First Crop includes traditional whole fruits and vegetables packed to detailed specifications that meet higher quality and minimum weight specifications than the USDA requires. You get the very best fresh produce available, day in, day out.

Markon Local

Locally Grown, Markon Approved

A first-of-its-kind food service initiative, Markon Local takes advantage of your regional growing season and supplies you with Markon-approval local produce when it’s available.

Designed to deliver the safe, Marking-quality produce you expect, Markon Local sources products from local farms right in your community. 


How Does Markon Local Work?

Step 1: If you are a Markon customer, you’ll start receiving Markon Local produce on a regional basis.

Step 2: That regionally in-season produce will come from thoroughly vetted local farms that adhere to Markon’s strict quality and safety standards and specifications.

Step 3: All local produce will arrive in the local farm’s packaging and have a Markon-approved sticker applied to the box.

Step 4: Once your local growing season is over, you’ll seamlessly go back to receiving our non-regional produce-just like you always have.

Peace of Mind

The 5-Star Food Safety Audit Program checks specifications and gathers information during inspections conducted at all crucial points in the production process.

Your Kitchen

Trace produce back to the field level, “Best if used by” dates on all Ready-Set-Serve inner and outer packaging, and storage and handling information to help educate kitchen staff


Third-party audits for good agricultural practices, detailed specifications, daily inspections, water testing


Temperature monitors on trucks allows for ease-of-mind know that you will be receiving the highest quality products in the highest quality

Grower & Shipping Facilities

Third-party audits for good manufacturing practices,
hazard analysis critical control points (Ready-Set-Serve only),
regular daily/weekly inspections by Markon staff

Distributor Warehouse

Dedicated quality assurance staff, regulated warehouse temperature zones, third-party inspections

Markon Resources

Fresh Crop Reports

The cost of produce rises and falls with seasonality, demand, and produce yields. Weekly Fresh Crop Reports help you stay ahead of the game by taking a look at how things are trending, how to use produce, and the current quality.

Winter Trends

Stay ahead of the curve with Markon’s Winter 2025 Trends! Discover the hottest trends like sweet and salty flavor combos, mocktails, and around-the-clock snacking. Refresh your menu, attract new customers, and boost your bottom line.

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Let’s Talk About Your Needs

Our purpose is to serve our customers with the highest quality foodservice products and services. We achieve this purpose through innovative systems and the spirit and integrity of our people.

You want to feed people. We’re here to help. Let’s talk about how.

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