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Certified Angus Beef

Angus Beef That’s a Cut Above

The Flavour, Tenderness, and Juiciness You Look for in Angus Beef

Starting in the 1970’s, a group of ranchers declared, “We can do better. We can produce beef that’s extremely tender, juicier and always packed with flavour.” There’s only one Certified Angus Beef ® brand, with 10 exacting standards for mouthwatering flavour, tenderness and juiciness. 

Ten Standards for Certified Angus Beef

  1. Modest or higher marbling
  2. Medium to fine marbling texture
  3. Only cattle harvested less than 30 months of age by detention and only A-maturity lean (superior colour, texture, and tenderness)
  4. 10- to 16-square inch ribeye area
  5. 1,100-pound hot carcass weight or less
  6. 1-inch or less fat thickness
  7. Superior muscling
  8. Practically free of capillary rupture
  9. No dark cutters
  10. No neck hump exceeding two inches

“I wouldn’t be where I am today without the
lessons I learned as a child growing up on a farm.”

Meet Our Ranchers

The Gilchrist Family

Feeding cattle wasn’t new to the Gilchrist family, but showing cattle was when a 10-year-old Brad Gilchrist joined his school’s 4-H program. The agriculture-focused group sparked Brad’s competitive spirit, introducing him and his family to cattle shows. The competitions allowed the family to grow its herd and build relationships with other caretakers of the Angus breed. Today, Brad leads Gilchrist Farms with his wife, Kristie, daughter, Peyton, and full-time ranch hand by his side.

“It’s producing a product year after year without taking more from the environment than we are putting into it. Everything the generations did before me and what we do today, from rotational grazing and organic fertilizers, ensures the land stays fruitful and healthy,” Brad shares.

“We can never count on the weather to be consistent, but even the heavy snowfall in the winter serves us well during dry summers,” Brad shares. “One of the best parts about this area is the extremely good air quality, thanks to the low population density.”

“If you dedicate yourself to something, you can achieve any of your goals,” Brad says. “I want to make sure my daughter understands that and turns her passion into a career. If she does, she’ll feel like me—like she’s never worked a day in her life.”

Add Certified Angus Beef to Your Menu

Certified Angus Beef is available exclusively to Gordon Food Service customers. 

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