

4 servings

Prep Time

30 minutes – 2 hours


Recipe Preparation

  1. Combine all ingredients in a dish (except steak, onions, salt and pepper) to make a marinade.
  2. Reserve half to marinade and half to make the sauce.
  3. Coat the steak and onions in the marinade and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
  4. Remove the steak and onions from the marinade.
  5. Rub the steak and onions in oil.
  6. Season both with coarse salt and black pepper.
  7. Grill the steak and onions to desired doneness and let rest before serving.
  8. Prepare the sauce by adding the oil and the other half of the marinade to a large sauce pan on high heat.
  9. Bring to a boil and reduce by half.
  10. Pour over the steak.

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