Smoked Salmon Rosti Salad


24 340-g servings


Recipe Preparation

1. Fill a 6″ stainless steel hotel pan with ice water. Bring a large braising pan of salted water to a boil. Slowly lower the eggs into the pan. Keep the water at a boil. To soft boil, cook 6½ minutes. Immediately place the eggs in ice water until completely cool. Carefully peel, taking care not to break the whites. Place in a storage container. Cover, label, date and refrigerate until needed.

2. Roll the salmon up widthwise into cylinders. Place in a storage container. Cover, label, date and refrigerate until needed.

To prepare à la carte:

1. Place 85 g of greens and herbs salad blend, 28 g each of cucumbers and radishes in a chilled stainless steel mixing bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Toss together until blended. Mound on a chilled serving plate.

2. Drizzle 44 ml of green goddess dressing over the salad mixture. Space 85 g of rolled salmon around the middle portion of the salad. Space the 5 croutons around the bottom of the salad on the plate.

3. Slice a warm soft-boiled egg in half lengthwise. Quickly pull the egg apart. Turn the egg yolk side up. Place the 2 halves side by side on the top center of the salad.

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