1. Slice the frozen cake in half widthwise. Slice halves lengthwise into quarters. Slice lengthwise again into eights. Place side by side between parchment-paper layers in a covered storage container, label, date and refrigerate until needed.
2. To prepare the batter as needed for service, place the eggs in a stainless-steel mixing bowl. Beat with wire whisk. Add the water and cornstarch. Mix thoroughly using wire whisk. Cover with film wrap and refrigerate until needed.
3. Place cocoa cinnamon-sugar in a 10 cm stainless-steel half pan. Cover with film wrap until needed.
1. Dip 4 pieces of cake in churro batter. Shake off excess batter and place in a 177°C (350°F) deep-fryer. Cook 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 minutes, or until golden-brown and just heated through. Allow to drain.
2. Place in cocoa cinnamon-sugar. Toss cakes to coat with sugar mixture. Shake off excess sugar and stack on a warmed serving plate.
3. Pour 118 ml of chocolate milk in a chilled wide-mouth glass. Place a 56 g scoop of ice cream in the milk. Dust the top of the ice cream with the shaker of cocoa. Serve chocolate milk float alongside churros as dipping sauce.
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