1. Bring a large braising pan of salted water to a boil. Lower the eggs into the pan. Keep the water at a boil. To soft boil, cook 6½ minutes. Immediately place the eggs in ice water until completely cool. Peel the eggs without breaking the whites. Place in a covered storage container. Label, date and refrigerate until needed.
2. Thread 114 g of shrimp on water-soaked bamboo skewers. Place side-by-side in a storage container. Place in a covered storage container. Label, date and refrigerate until needed.
To prepare à la carte:
1. Brush a shrimp skewer with 10 ml of canola oil. Season with salt and pepper. Place on a heated char-grill. Grill on both sides until just cooked through.
2. Place 42 g each of spinach and radicchio and 28 g each of radishes and cucumbers in a chilled stainless steel mixing bowl. Drizzle 15 ml of nuoc cham and 5ml of olive oil over the salad mixture. Season with salt and pepper. Toss together.
3. Place 15 ml of canola oil in a heated ,nonstick sauté pan over medium-high heat. As soon as the oil begins to smoke, add 330 g of three-grain blend and 15 ml of nuoc cham to the pan. Season with salt and pepper. Toss together until just warmed through. Spoon the warmed rice onto the left side of a serving bowl.
4. Place the salad on the opposite side of the bowl next to the rice. Pull the shrimp off of the skewer placing them in the center of the bowl on top of the grain blend and salad.
5. Warm 1 egg in a pan of simmering water for 1 minute. Drain and slice in half lengthwise, keeping the halves together. Quickly pull the egg apart and place the halves side-by-side with the soft, fudgy yolk facing up on top of the center of the shrimp. Sprinkle ¼ tsp. of sesame seeds over the top of the salad.
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