Have a Playbook if Your Restaurant Faces Closing Again


Lessons from the spring can prepare you to close or shift your business model quickly.

Businesses are experiencing a wave of uncertainty as employees and customers test positive for the coronavirus. You may be forced to close your restaurant again with little warning or time to plan. 

Here are things you should consider to make sure you’re prepared in case your business is affected. 

Stay tuned to what’s happening 

  • Connect with businesses in your area to share best practices. 
  • Know the guidelines and regulations in your region and review often as they change frequently.  
  • Discuss situations with your regional Public Health department.

Inform employees

  • Encourage self-reporting if they have a positive coronavirus test. 
  • Assign someone to contact employees and answer concerns. 

Inform customers

  • Over-communicate and be transparent about what your business is doing. 
  • Update Facebook, your website, Google other sources where your hours and business information are posted.  
  • Have guidelines and assignments on how to reply to posts. 
  • Consider a video to show how you are keeping your restaurant clean and safe for employees and guests. 
  • Describe what you are doing when you close such as deep-cleaning, refreshing decor, new menu items, etc. 

Be prepared to shift your business model

  • If you close, but are able to continue with takeout and delivery, market these services frequently. Consumers may hear conflicting media reports.  
  • Look at ways to streamline efficiency and create procedures so you can respond quickly to business changes. 
  • If you pivoted to a takeout menu in the spring, consider going back to that menu or specials (such as family meals).


  • Be aware of upcoming expenses and your cash flow situation.


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